Laura K. Inamedinova is the CEO of London based Blockchain focused7-digits valued Marketing agency “LKI Consulting".Laura bought her first Bitcoin in 2016 when she got her first Client.With a STEM background, cybersecurity knowledge and a Bachelor ofPhysics, she joined the blockchain industry with a philosophy of making our financial world a more private, transparent space for all parties.She grew her agency x5 in the times of pandemic with a goal of empowering beginner crypto projects struggling to break through heavy regulations.In 2020, Miss Inamedinova has been named as one of the “10 WomenEntrepreneurs Who Are Shattering the Glass Ceiling” by Entrepreneur magazine. Huffington Post has titled her as “Communications Expert” in2016.She began her communications career as a contributor for Forbes at the age of 21 and, later, contributor for Huffington Post at the age of 22.
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